Thursday 16 June 2011


Davie has cracked under pressure and we can now tell you all his secret recipe for corn beef hash

10 tins o cornbeef
a whale big pan o tatties
1 tin peas
2 tins yalla peas (sweetcorn)
1 big scoot o tamata sasse
a lump o cheese

Biel the tatties in a big pot
Bree the tatties
Add the corn beef ,peas ,and yallow peas
Mush them a the gither
Add big scoot o tamata sasse
Mush again
Tak athing oot the pot in put in ashet
Sprinkle we gratet cheese
Put in oven full blast for 6 ti 8 mins
Serve with a buttrie and big mug o tea

were continuing to work on Davie with regards to Bettys custard creames and secret butterie recipies.......
He will eventually crack again



Just quickly to let you know we have arrived in Skagen , Denmark . All safe and sound , no seasickness , everyone got their sea legs .

Just folk who are interested Dannys purple fish is called a Blastal and is apparently good to eat . Tried sending emails/ photos back again but not sure they went.

Disco made us fresh butteries today which were magic . There is a mutinous plot to torture him until he divulges the secret recipe for
The Butteries

His corn beef hash

Bettys Melting Moments(custard cremes)

We will keep you posted on our progress after the torture and might even post th recipes on here

By the way stop all the hassle about the camels . We might be taking one back on the boat


On the way again

Early night last night for the crew, busy day ahead.  Left Norway at 3am and now heading for Denmark. 

Trip to Kristiansand Zoo and Theme Park

Disco delighted, he just seen a camel!

Aye aye captain

Onwards and upwards

Hamish's new 4 x 4?

bonnie boat