Monday 20 June 2011

Aalborg Football Stadium

After Hamish talking nicely to a very helpful security guard and telling him they had travelled all the way from Scotland in a boat and that he knew Brian Laudrup when he played for Rangers, he managed to get tickets to the Denmark v Iceland game for free.  Logan couldn't believe his luck.... 8 rows from the front!!

the crew with the very nice security guard


  1. Is that a humpit camel T-shirt Stevie?!!

    Sarah I think that could be the present you are hoping for!!

  2. Ridiculous!! Only you could have got away with that!!

  3. Didn't know Hamish played for Rangers- Is there no end to this mans talent!!

  4. Loving Stevies camel t-shirt!! Does it come in blue?

  5. Hi Guys

    Although it looks like you guys are having a great time. Unfortunately I am very unhappy at Hamish using my name to scam the Danish FA out of free tickets. This is fraud and the matter is now with my lawyers. Do not be surprised if a Viking Longship sinks you on the way home!!

    I will consider letting you off since Hamish will soon be a Granda and must be going a bit doolally now because of his age!
