Wednesday 6 July 2011

Last night in Sweden

Stopped off at Utklippon for a short time last night.  Marina was very busy so decided to move on and keep sailing until we reach our next stop - Ystad.  We should arrive in Ystad at some point this afternoon which will be our last stop in Sweden.  Will spend the night at Ystad before setting sail again heading for Denmark.


  1. emma wilson ( dannys mum )Wednesday, 06 July, 2011

    Hi Guys,
    well hope ure having fun on ure last days before making ure way bk home. Its been great hearing bout ure adventures and seeing ure fotos. U b counting the days to come bk home now. Altho the weather bk home is horrible. But hopefully it will get better before u return home. Hope u enjoy legoland and have safe journey bk home. Not long now. Tc all and hear from u all soon. From Dannys mum xx

  2. Rumour has it that Windshift had to do a moonlight flit. The authorities found a strange substance on the boat...turned out to be 3 day old cornbeef hash!

  3. Can't believe you are on your way to Legoland at last Tye!! Make sure you take lots of pictures. Sarah

  4. Hi guys this is my first post (not very technical,but got to try out my new iPhone!!) pics look good, hope u haven't picket up only mare bags on ur travels!

    Enjoy the return journey, am green with envy!

    From the silver fox!! (George)

  5. hi guys glad ure all having a gd time next journey on the way home god ure getting spoiled lego land whoo ure so lucky great pictures here from u soon danny nanna gary
