Monday 11 July 2011

Ystad and Copenhagen Photos

look out there's a bridge ahead - Copenhagen

don't get too close to the wind farm

Ystad Marina

Danny keeping a look out in the pouring rain
Tye and Danny enjoying the water again

look behind you

Stevie concentrating on building his sand castle

look out for that ferry that's going to ruin all your hard work


  1. very nice pictures boys the weather looks lovely and ure all so tanned danny nanna

  2. emma wilson ( dannys mum )Wednesday, 13 July, 2011

    Pictures really good guys, all have lovely tan. Im so jealous. Not long to go now and u will b home. Hope u have enjoyed ure holiday as its been an experience of a lifetime. One u will all look bk on in years to come. Any make the most of what time u have left before u return bk home. Enjoy the tall ships and hope u have a safe journey home. Tc all. And c u really soon danny. From Dannys mum xx

  3. Elaine Adelaine Sheina & ClanWednesday, 13 July, 2011

    Have really enjoyed following you all on your adventures. Photos are fantastic. Looking forward to hearing all about the Tall Ships.
    Congratulations,we've just heard the great news Grandad Hamish.
