Monday 11 July 2011

Update on trip

Left Ystad on Thursday night, sailing all through the night arriving at Copenhagen at 3pm on Friday.  Weather terrible - pouring rain, although some of them seem happy about that!  Had a chilled out time playing cards on the boat.  Spent the day in Copenhagen on Saturday doing some sightseeing before meeting up with Logan again.  Left Copenhagen later on Saturday and arrived at Grenaa at lunchtime on Sunday, sail took longer than expected due to weather.  Made a stop here so they could visit Legoland.  Up very early this morning to catch the first of two trains to get to Legoland.  Going to spend the whole day there and not return to the boat until very late tonight.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Guys
    has Tye driven you all mad yet about Legoland? I was thinking about you all yesterday wondering if it was a good as Tye hoped!


    I hope it lived up to your expectation:) No doubt there will be lots of pictures to show that you were really there - can't wait to see them.

    Take care

