Friday 8 July 2011


Well we have just arrived in Copenhagen and its raining....magic we are so pleased to see it.....sorry for not posting earlier but internet access in Sweden was not good for us....everyone is in good form and looking forward to legoland on monday....thanks for all your comments on the blog it was great reading them....thats us been away for a month but it has flown in really are some bits and pieces/highlights from the crews logs..

I have enjoyed meeting new people especially in Gotland...people there were very good to us....loved swimming in harbour ..spent two whole days in it ....I caught a plaice which i was really happy about cause i had been trying hard.....when we left Gotland i felt sad we sailed to Utkillipan island then Ystad....we sailed into the harbour with sails up was cool and a bit scary at the same time....Copenhagen is a big city we are doing a tour of the city tomorrow...then LEGOLAND  ON MONDAY....YES!!!!

The first day we arrived in Gotland i met Davie Clubb and was roasting I liked it....we went on board the justice an old sailing lifeboat.....we got a present from davie a football and a big pack of lavee roll both were immediately put to good use....we met janne(yanna) the next day and when we moved to the bottom of the island to his harbour he showed us his life boat which was cool..we met the boss of lifeboats in Sweden too, Hamish told them about jim and th eMacduff lifeboat..he gave us a swedish life boat teddy that hamish is taking home to elaine allan ......we arrived sailing all the way right into the harbour , i liked it i got a buzz.....i swam in the harbour 2 days from breakfast time to tea time it was ystad i swam in the sea all day hamish got sunburnt watching me...i have been doing watches and learning heaps about the boat and getting good at things...i have enjoyed it heaps so far i cant wait for legoland to get on the rollercoaster

I enjoyed meeting people in Gotland ........janne showed us the lifeboat it was a beast...sailing the boat with sail is great but much harder to steer you get a buzz when a big gust of wind comes...we went to an island in the boat in the middle of no where....i fell asleep on watch we davie i was so tired but davie didnt mind...Spending the whole day on the beach inYstad was sweet we made sandcastles and swam...the wash from a ferry flattened our sandcastle which was a scunner...seeing the sights of copenhagen tomorrow and meeting up we Logan again

This has been a great adventure for and a big learning curve...i have overcome being feeling sea sick full stop , then overcome being seasick with sails up. I have also felt bit homesick missing people but didnt let it get the better of me.....i am now fully in the swing of things and have learned loads about myself , self motivation and being positive.....i have learned about Hassela and how things are done has been hot and i have found out i do burn....spending time with different people from different culture has been ace.......enjoyed sail down to Hamera cause i overcame my discomfort when sails up and got a real thrill out of the windy day....enjoyed night sails doing watches seeing sunsets and sights that are amazing.....cant wait for the experiences to come in the last few weeks...davie clubb and janne were so nice to us

Iam tired......but having a ball........highlights are going through Gota canal and Sweden.......the hospitality in Gotland and the weather being great....its been a nightmare keeping the hungry horaces fed...looking forward to the sail to Lerwick and will be good to visit Fair Isle as I have fished all around it but never been on it

It has been great watching the young people grow and develop working through there own personal lows and overcoming difficultes hopefully learning lessons for life in the future along the way....they have been brilliant and great shipmates.....Disco has been a star looking after us all feeding us well.......we have met so many helpful friendly people along the way and only a couple of Richards......I am tired! think am getting old although still not a grandad yet as far as i know.....i have found out i still burn in the sun and like camels , the 2 humpit one especially are coo...looking forward to the tall ships in Lerwick..missing fish suppers fae billy gatts there definately an opportunity for fish and chip shops in sweden....also missing baths only showers here which i have not frequented as often as i possibly should have..thanks to all for comments and support...H


  1. emma wilson ( dannys mum )Saturday, 09 July, 2011

    Hi Guys,
    Great to hear ure stories about what u bin upto whilst uve been away. And that ure having a fantastic time. So jealous that the weather has been great for u and its been rubbish back home. Great to hear u have met lots of people on ure journey and learned lots bout there cultures ect. Cant wait to see ure pictures of legoland it sounds amazing. will all b squeeky clean by the time u cum home with al the swimming youve been doing. LOl. Ure time away has flown passed so quickly. Anyway guys enjoy the rest of ure trip and hear from u very soon. Tc every 1 and enjoy what time u have left as it will b bk to boring cold scotland very soon. From Dannys mum xx

  2. fish supper in the happy haddock boys

  3. Hamish you are a mink not showering . What a poor example to these young boys. Hope your enjoying yourself . What an amazing trip .A.M.

  4. Alright guys!
    Looks like you are having a magic time away, photos are great. Hope you have a fantastic time in Legoland and enjoy the journey back.
    Keep smiling :)

  5. Alright Boys?!!

    Looking good, been a while since I have been on, loving your comments though, think you will all remmeber this trip forever!

    The moment has come Tye............... LEGOLAND!! Hope you have an ace day there. Looking forward to the pics and more comments!!

    I must admit I am a little disappointed that we don't have the custard creme recipe yet!! Disco will crack come on!!

    Enjoy the rest of the trip, all the best,


  6. Hello there guys, looks like you're still having a brilliant time on the trip!Sorry to hear about your sandcastle Stevie!

    Enjoy Legoland but make sure neither Hamish nor Disco end up in a giant lego stormtrooper suit!

    All the best,


  7. Wow it all sounds amazing!!! you all look like your in great form :) I can't wait to read about Lego land.
    The Brighter Horizons gang are all wishing you well.
    Take care

    Brighter Horizons
